Fantasgreat would make an excellent carbonated beverage.
My friend and I were discussing the following last night
which may be applicable: Blending up a BigMac and then
carbonating it. Maybe that would be the base, and you'd
add flavoring, like orange flavor. Orange Flavored
Fantastgreat Soda = Awesome. -- (W.R.)
Those are nice running shoes.
Can I have your old pair? If not, that's cool.* -- (M.K.)
*Please note: While this is a real email in its entirely,
it was not sent directly to the offices of Fantasgreat.
It was forwarded. But, hey, we take what we can get.
We're now enthusiastically accepting submissions for
Issue #2: The Underground Issue.
Email us with your idea. We'll respond. Note: if your
submission sucks, we may not run it. |