Tiffany - Founder, Editor-in-Chief   [email protected]
Tiffany is almost sick of Pirates. You should never sneak up behind her, as she is fairly skittish. In her spare time, she enjoys writing about herself in the third person, and telling other people what she thinks of things.
David - Editor-in-Chief, Bit Pusher   [email protected]
David hates computers. The ones, the zeros... the whole thing. His involvement with them is a coy plan... a plan so dastardly, so ingenious, so magnificent... a-hmmm... yessss...
(As told to S. Abrams): "I am Fly Si. Fly Si is not just some 'handle' I 'made up' to be 'cool.' I live it and breathe it, man. To quote Wesley Willis, 'I'm the real rebel every damn day.'"
This isn't Mike
Kill this guy. I don't know this man, but he took my bag while I was at a bar. You'll know it's him because he'll probably be wearing the nice green shirt that was in the bag when he stole it from me. He might even be trying to sell you some parts to my computer or the zip disks with my portfolio on it.
Thanks for all your help. Mike
Will -   [email protected]
Will was born in a shack full of lotion. It was one of the first natural shack-lotion births to take place outside Sri Lanka before they were completely outlawed in 1993. Fast Forward 20 minutes: Will picks up the piano, but it's too heavy, so he puts it back and down and picks up the guitar. Then, 6 months ago he moves from New York City to California bay area so he could focus on making music without all the tar and friends around. He makes his music via super low budget machines of wax. Call him up if you're around the area and want to make fun music.
*Other music he made, available for cheap ($5) order:
Drew is a writer and artist living in New York City. He is currently at work on a study of informal grid patterns, both visual and linguistic. As of this writing, he has nearly been struck by lightning on two separate occasions. Also, as the worlds foremost expert of the imaginary life of the Ballyhoo, he is available for lectures and seminars.
Heather   [email protected]
Heather Van Vleet is an artist, actor and software engineer. She is the author and illustrator of "What Smell?: How to ruin your life and torture yourself". A Native of Colorado, she is currently a corporate web development engineer. She spends her days in a padded 4x8 cubicle of a multi-national financial institution. She currently lives in Brooklyn.
Michael D.   [email protected]
Michael Dolan lives in Brooklyn, where he maintains a handsome collection of Horatio Hornblower novels.
Duncan -   [email protected]
He is making it up as he goes along.
Amy & Zane -   [email protected]
Zane enjoys wearing fancy clothes. Amy witnessed George Hamilton riding in a car. Together they form the Parmesan Pals. This brother and sister crime fighting team was sent to Earth to create peace between mortals and to accrue massive amounts of dairy products to reconstruct their lactose deficient planet. Zane has the ability to squeeze himself into tight spaces. Amy can wear tight shirts. With these powers, nothing can stop their fight for justice and their quest for milk and milk solids. Nothing, except the pungent odor and evil forces of a cheese called Swiss. In its presence, the team is powerless. You might say it is the Parmesan Pals' Kryptonite. You might say it is the only thing stopping the Pals from saving their planet. You might say 'hi' when you see them on the street.
We're now enthusiastically accepting submissions for Issue #2: The Underground Issue. Email us with your idea. We'll respond. Note: if your submission sucks, we may not run it.